Monday, October 27, 2008

Motorcycles Riding in this Family...A look back at where it started...where it has gone

As I have been writing the story about one of our Road Trips...I got to where did it all get started and what has happened since! Well, for me, I was 19 and in college when I got my first motorcycle. Using it to go to school and get around town was about the use of it except for a couple of weekend camping trips up in the close by Jemez Mountains. But I had gotten hooked. It was in the Army though that things really started to change. After coming home from Korea and back in the Monterey area of California, I was stationed there and Joe and I lived in the same apartment building. What fun....and ok...we got is some trouble with the wives! He had a 400cc bike...sold it shortly for a 550cc bike. Well I knew I needed one...had some re-enlistment money and went and bought an 850 Suzuki. What a beauty. It was only weeks later that Joe bought one too. Probably his third purchase of a bike in less than a year. If I was hooked....well Joe was a complete addict! Now...both in the Army and only having weekends to ride...there were no road trips...but lots of day trips....late night rides! Often we would sit together at the appartment with the wifes and kids but when they all was on to our bikes and off on a bike ride. The whole pennisula was ours. Very little traffic. We would cruise along and stop at the all night diners for some coffee. Gas and coffee was all we could afford! Sometimes it wouldn't be till 0630am that we would quietly climb in bed. I know this sounds heartless and inconciderate. But that was the time we could go and we did. We loved it. During the weekends we would get on our bikes and cruise California Highway 1! It really doesn't get any better than that. does...but not by much!

We shipped our bikes to Hawaii for our 3 year tour there and our riding continued. It was wonderful having a bike out there. It was there when my brother Chip came and visited for a summer. He would ride behind me and off we would go and explore the island and visit a beach or two. I think he got the taste of motorcycle riding there and it would remain until he finally bought his own!

Well, years passed...motorcycle after motorcycle up through the years while I was a police officer in New Mexico. Let's see...after the first Kawasaki in college, I had a couple of Susukis, several Hondas, and a few Yamahas. But it was sometime in the 90s that Chip purchased his first bike...a 750 Yamaha. He drove down to New Mexico and I met him on my 650 Yamaha around Cimarron. We spent one day driving around those mountains and just loving it. We decided that 400 miles in a day was nothing but plain fun. We made a pact that we would take a vacation and go on a road trip. That day arrived...we loaded up our bikes with a tent, sleeping bags, camping gear, and headed north over some of the most beautiful passes of Colorado. We slipped out into the deserts of Utah and Arizona. Visited the Grand Canyon. Blew into Las Vegas. Road long and hard days coming on back. There are some great stories made on this trip..but for another time. But it was this trip that hooked us. And after this trip we knew Joe needed to come on the next one.

And that is how the Road Trips started. And more and more people and family have gotten involved. Let's see......Chip and I have done one every year since the first I think. Joe has missed only one year's boys Road Trip. Bobby, my son, and I have been on trips to California and Canada to mention a couple. My daughter Meleah and her Husband Steve went with Sharon and me on their first Road Trip to Vegas and back.....through Capitol Reef, Zion, Bryce, and beautiful country along the way! My sisters Jean and Wenda with their husbands Johnny and Jerry, went on a wonderful roadtrip with me up into Montana to see the re-inactment of the Battle of the Little Bighorn. We have also roadtripped with Jeanne and Johnny to Red River, NM and the Farm out in Kansas. Sharon and I, the first summer after marriage, did 15,000 miles on the motorcycle...and I can't even remember where all we went but it included the west coast and Canada!

So you can see that this family has become well aquainted with Road Tripping. Wenda and Jerry ride their Goldwing and enjoy camping with it in Colorado. Jeanne and Johnny have traveled all over Colorado and back east as far in Indiana a couple of times. Daughter Billie Jo has been riding for years and I think she is still in shock about her mother riding off in the sunset on her Goldwing wearing her pink chaps and jacket!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Basics Road Trip Continued..."PooPsie"

Now, let's see, where was I.........oh yeah.....Chip and I have survived the road accident and are on our way to meet Joe is Missoula!

Chip and I arrive in Missoula late in the evening....Joe should be at the motel but no Joe. Finally a call from Joe saying he is about 30 minutes out of Missoula...nearly out of gas....and if he doesn't show up in 30 minutes...come looking. About 30 minutes later..Joe arrives at the motel. He unpacks his bike and moves the gear inside. But Joe has problems.....he notices his brand new, custom made wedding ring is missing off of his finger. And yikes....he is missing his cell phone...the one he called us from just a half hour ago! OOPS. Just home from his honeymoon and off on a roadtrip with his two single friends from the past....and he has to tell his new bride he has lost his wedding ring...the symbol of their love and commitment...and his cell phone...the only certain contact he will have with her over the next week and a half. Yikes!

He was could see it on his face....Heidi would be expecting a call to say he is safe. He had to call...but what could he say? He looked at us with that look seen on husbands coast to coast.....that look.....shoulders lowered, chin down...eyes drooping.....slight hunch of the back...yes....humble pie had to be eaten...on his knees he would have to go.....Jackee Gleason had this look near the end of every HoneyMooner's episode! Joe said he had to call and get it over with. He had to face the music or it would only make the ride impossible to enjoy with the weight of that eventual call hanging over him. So, borrowing my cell phone he makes the call. Chip and I sit on one of the beds in the hotel and observe. Both of us had been in situations like this before...but neither of us had to live it in front of friends, fellow members of the HE MAN WOMAN HATERS CLUB! We were filled with excitement......"Hi Sign"!

Joe dialed the number and we all waited for the click of the phone and the Hello! And that's when our buddy, fellow club member, did it..right there in front of us......he said......"Hello Poopsie"....

My gosh.....the pillows went to Chip's and my faces.....we smothered the laughter...the uncomfortable laughter of seeing our friend in this horrible position.....he had done it....that lump we were seeing in his throat were his....well.....cajones!

And on it went...."but kills me too....I know....but we will have another ring made Poopsie...and it will be just as came off when I pulled off my gloves to put warmer gloves on..."

Oh my gosh we thought...what a scramble...he was in the middle of a piece of art....a comeback...a pure honest sell of complete bullsh*t! Was it working? He went on....."Wayne's cell phone Poopsie......well....I must have lost it when I callled........"

Chip and I could not catch our breath....our guts were lurching with the unheard laughter that was being kept from leaving our mouths. And by was sounding like he had pulled it off...."OK Poopsie, love you and miss you Poopsie....can't wait to see you....bye Poopsie" Joe closes the phone..turns to us with a big grin, raises his open hand high above his head and says "High Five Guys.....Let's Ride". And with that....the trip begins and the you would never guess what is to come...I will have to tell won't believe it! Something you only see in the movies!

Afghanistan, More Than a Distant Battle

I have been blessed greatly in my life. But no greater blessings do I have than my children. A father wants his children to grow up healthy and bright. He wants the best for them. As for me, I couldn't be more proud and happy. I have my eldest, Meleah, who grew up being the little mother, the responsible one, doing more than her part taking care of he younger brother Bobby as well as herself. She has grown up to be a wonderful mother and wife, but I think most importantly, a good hearted, hard working, beautiful person. How can you not be proud of a girl with such and heart of gold! Love her to death I do. One of the happiest moments was when I learned she was moving with her family to come here, where I live! Now I have her close , where I get to see her, talk with her, and share in her life with her husband and two of our ten grandchildren.....Kyle and Felicia.

But there is a worry, a hole, that fills our family's soul. My son Bobby enlisted in the Army in 2002. What a patriot he is! He told me he wanted to enlist. I gave him every reason to stay out and go to college. His Grandfather took him on a graduation trip and tried hard to talk him into not enlisting but go to college. But in the end.....when Bobby says he is enlisting cause he knows the price of freedom and that he owes it to those that have gone before....those that have fought and died for his freedom....he owes his time, his efforts to serve this country in a way many have before. Heck, you can not argue with him about those beliefs. For they are true and his desire to serve admirable and a demonstration of the heart he his sister.....that make them so special in my eyes.

So my son becomes a mechanic on Chinook helicopters. He serves overseas in Korea (just like his mom and dad) and serves in combat in Iraq, and now is in Afghanistan, fighting a most difficult fight, and one that he is up to his armpits in death and destruction.

Bobby is the flight engineer on his Chinook. He has had many awards and honors since he has enlisted. He received special recognition during his graduation from Basic Training. He was chosen to go to flight status from ground mechanic over many others who wanted that chance. He flew in Iraq in his Chinook as Crew Chief.....receiving an Air Medal and his Combat Badge for being under enemy fire. Bobby has also been nominated for the US Army Aviation Soldier of the Year! Now how special is that?

And now, for the last many hopefully come home by New Years...Bobby is fighting in Afghanistan. He is with the 101st Airborne Division. He is the Flight Engineer on his Chinook. And needless to say we worry for him and all our troops for this has been the bloodiest and costliest year for our troops in Afganistan. Bobby is putting his life on the line...almost daily as he flies in Eastern Afghanistan up along the Pakistan border. There has been bloody fighting and with great loss of life. Bobby has been there, doing his part. He has recieved the Air Medal with Valor for his and his crews heroic acts in pulling dead and dying out of a fire fight. They came in, under fire, warned that they would be shot at and probably shot down...but they came in because those on the ground were in dire need. And we are so proud of him and those that do these heroic deeds as well as all of those that have put themselves in harms way. My heart aches for the lost loved ones. And there is a hole that can only be filled by Bobby's return. And I wait anxiously for that day. It comes nearer and nearer. But we know for Bobby it is still too far away....he can't think that far out...he just has to get through each mission, one at a time.

How is it you can have a heart so overjoyed and filled with pride and love yet so empty feeling at the same time. I can promise you this...there never was, nor will there ever be, a father and family that will have more joy and pride in there hearts the day Bobby arrives back in the States. Bobby I love you, miss you........We all love and miss you..........and we thank you for your have done what you wanted to do.....serve this great nation.

And now you can stand in the ranks of those that have given so much before....stand there knowing you have given what you promised.....your service.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The First "Back to Basics" Road Trip

My brother, Chip, and I had made our very first motorcycle road trip the year before. Now Joe and I had been long time motorcycle riders. We started riding together almost 30 years ago, while in the Army, stationed in Monterey, California. Joe and I had stayed in close contact, in fact, he has always just been considered one of the it was only fitting that Chip and I envite him along for our next road trip to Canada. Chip and I were single at the time and Joe was too...but the month before we were to leave...Joe Heidi is time to get married (well, that is the way Joe tells it). So married he on a honeymoon...and a week after he returns he tells his new bride that he has to go on his planned road trip...with the boys...that she has yet to meet!

Well, Chip and I ride and meet in Colorado, then ride up through the Yellowstone to Missoula, Montana. It is there that we are to meet up with Joe who is riding from Olympia, Washington. What a trip we had before our meeting. Chip and I were riding our bikes and a car pulled into my lane. I dodged the car, missing only by inches, by diving my bike onto the shoulder of the highway, only to watch the car slide sideways off the road, flipping, ejecting a man and small daughter. I watched the two being thrown from the vehicle and shooting up in the air like missles, side by side, only to land in the median of the interstate. I flipped my bike around to see if I could help. As I was a police officer, I was not at all uncomfortable about trying to help and quite aware of the problems in which I was getting involved. Chip had looked in his rear view mirror only to see dust where I once had been. He thought I had crashed and flipped his bike around to go help. He is a paramedic on an Air Life Helicopter in Colorado and this kind of thing is what he does for a living...but this time he thought it was his brother he was coming to aide.

He pulls up and sees me off my bike and heading toward the wreck...He heads to the little girl and the man laying in the median. I run to the overturned car where a woman screams trapped inside. I find a young baby hanging upsidedown, held by the straps of his car seat. I am able to get the baby out as others arrive. I now try to tend to the woman who is bleading heavily from her head, is trapped upsidedown in the vehicle and pinned down with the seats and stearing wheel of the car. I see she has a broken arm and possibly other areas that are broken. I calm her down...tell her that her baby is fine and that my brother who is a paramedic is with her other daughter and her husband. I tell her I am a cop and can tell her with experience that she is ok but must remain calm. I find loose blankets and clothing and pack that around her to try and make her more comfortable as help will soon be on the way. I don't want to move her. I try and sound calm to help calm her...but inside my heart is racing. I hear my brother...he is behind me and calmly says "check her pulse and tell me what you get". I think "thank god he is here...and what in the heck do I check?" The difference between a cop mentality and a paramedic mentality is amazing. I want to run and get it a man with a gun...two matter what the danger....and try and settle it.......but when it comes to people in dire need of medical attention....I want to direct traffic! I grap her wrist and hold on....putting my finger on her pulse...and it is racing...but soon realize it is my pulse I am taking with my I try again and report my results. Chip logs this into his head full of medical concerns and procedures.

In the long run I did fine and when the fire engine and ambulance arrive, I am relieved of my care taking duties. I hear Chip reporting all the info he has gathered, what he deams the immediate concerns are and what he has done to this point. He is calm as a cucumber. Me...well I get calmed down when the State Trooper arrived and we talk the talk we are accustomed smell of alcohol, who was driving in what direction...who are the witnesses and where are know what I am talking about. Well, at the end of it all...I think hey...I have some handywipes on my bike and can use them to clean off all the blood that covers my hands up to my elbows and I will show Chip how together I am by offering him the same. I yell over at Chip to see if he wants to use my handywipes. And that's when I see him pulling off his medical rubber gloves that he had brought with him and taken down to the accident scene. I learned several things that day....some about myself but mostly that I want Chip around if I was ever hurt. And I just can't explain how it feels to be so proud of your brother as you watch him in action...with chaos all around...and as cool as a cucumber managing a scene he has just walked into.

Now...let's see...on to Missoula where we are to meet up with only gets better......

COMMING SOON EvakEjak...A legend born!

A Story about Joe and Wayne...the DMZ in Korea....freedom's frontiers...and the men who kept America safe! A legend was born...a man makes a name for himself as his fellow soldiers huddle in safety from a devistating typhoon sweeping across the Korean Pennisula. But first...stories that lead up to the making of an American Hero. Joe...the man...the soldier...yes...the sterling example of the american soldier courage and fortitude...standing strong in a night filled with peril...others looking on in wonder. Stay tuned..........

St. James Ghost Story

I dont know for sure when the first time I went to the St. James Hotel in Cimarron, New Mexico exactly was...however I kept returning and bringing more and more people to the place. The old hotel is know for it's ghost and I have experienced several events there that have left chills up and down my spine. Probably my first experience was when my brother Chip and I spent a few nights there one summer. We stayed up late and went into the card room on the second floor to play a little poker. We clowned around and at a bit before 1am were walking down the hallway to our room when we heard someone step out into the hall behind us. We immediately both turned around expecting to see someone one was there at all. Now...this was heard by both of us...feet on the floor...walking...and directly behind us perhaps withing 5 to 10 feet from us. Nothing. So back down the hall we walked looking for anyone or anything that could have made the sound. Still, just us....and a quite hotel.

One time in the winter, I was driving north to Denver on I-25, and in some bad snowy weather, so decided to jump over to Cimarron and spend the night at the hotel. Well, it was snowing badly and I was glad to get there and settled into a room. I went to the bar where the bartender and two locals were sitting and having a drink or two. We chatted for some time and then off to bed I went. The next morning I awoke early and went downstairs to see if I could get a cup of coffee. The owner was in the lobby and told me she was just openning the place and would make us a cup. As we chatted I told her that I had heard new guests come in and walk and talk down the hall and it must have been real late. She told me that actually I was the only one in the hotel that night and they had closed the place up when I went to bed so everyone could make it home. The place had been locked up! She told me that guests often hear people in the hallway and this had happened before. Well, I can honestly tell you...that late in the night I awoke to men talking in the hallway, not quietly either...and then walking down the hallway toward my room. I was staying in the Mary Lambert room at the end of the hall....ummmmm. On a couple of stays at the Mary Lambert room I have smelt a rose aroma that all of a sudden is present and then dissapates. No might maybe...but honestly a strong aroma. This is another thing that seems to happen to others who stay in that room.

Now, this brings us to a time that my wife Sharon and I spent at the hotel. She was excited about the place as I had told her stories of other visits and had talked to her about the history of the hotel. Once again, we were staying in the Mary Lambert room. In the middle of the night, Sharon awoke to loud voices in the talking and walking down the hallway...the sounds of heavy boots. She lay on the bed awake for a while but looked at the end of the bed and she could see in the darkness a women standing there. Dressed in what looked to be the old pioneer type of dress....up onto the bed a small dog jumped....Sharon raised her arms to keep the dog away but the dog jumped down...the lady moved away from the bed a disappeared. My wife was so excited and the next day told the owner about the events of the night. The owner told her that we were the only hotel guests that night and no one was up stairs but us! OK...Sharon believes in ghosts....she really really believes in ghosts....and there is more!